Prof. H. Khaloiea et al., and his collaborative research team from various countries ( Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, University of Bonab, Iran, University of Vaasa, Finland, Aalborg University, Denmark, University of Salerno, Italy, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal) have reported a three-stage stochastic multi-objective offering framework or model-based upon a mixed-integer programming formulation for spinning reserve markets via Wind Thermal Energy Storage (WTES) generation were proposed. The utilization of renewable energy resources would have become one of the most essential requirements in our human life. Renewable energy resources like wind, or other integrated resources, were widely considered in various power systems, in particularly for the self-schedule offering of the strategic problems. Renewable energy resources were further divided into five general groups viz ., solar power, wind power, biomass, hydropower, and geothermal process [ 1...

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